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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Winter or starting glaciation causes lot of death in the USA and Europe

Since more than three years, following reports from its own scientists and specialists, NASA scientists and many others,  PLANETFUTURE warn governments and peoples of a major risk of glaciation of the north part of the globe.  Climate warming does carry out numerous severe consequences including the fact that we will have to front more and much intense differences in our climates with all what goes with it and not only cold and snow but also floatings, fires, injuries, death, etc. The worst still not there!   Polar depressions (polar hurricanes) change their location, they started and lived in the Arctic (and Antarctic) poles but now due to climate change, they slip near the very north of Scotland. Till now it give us only severe snow storm but a real polar hurricane means wins at 25 meter per second, waves up to 30 meters high, etc... Imagine what may (and will happened) to European coasts with such high waves and speedy wins. This kind of elements are not only reaching coasts of Course, they can hit per sample London and generate the highest floating ever imagine in the human history.

We can't change this human provoked situation, we can't go back, POINT OF NO-RETURN is already passed until two years without any consciousness from any government or authority; they were all saying we have time left... Now catastrophes are confirming that all process were terribly accelerated those last years and all what was estimated for 2050 is already on now.  What will governments wait for, millions of victims?  At last we can organize some prevention, explaining peoples how to react to have a little chance to save their lives.
The 2010 winter did only started and dead peoples found frozen in the USA and in Europe is catastrophic. We are not talking of homeless peoples which many states or private charities organization are normally taking care of; we are talking about workers, retired peoples or active peoples looking for work; peoples touched so deeply by all crisis that they can't buy whatever needed to warm their home.  Retired peoples leaving alone by their parents and their community or like this young 24 years old mother found totally frozen with her baby in her arms... The kind of death which was easily preventable, don't you think so?  Her heater was out of order and she did not have enough money to fix it... They are numerous in this case. PLANETFUTURE Organization is doing whatever it can to help, but without private and public important help, our help is looking alike a drop in the ocean. We started everywhere (is needed or appropriate) our Winter campaign notably to help those poor peoples but also to organize prevention's education's, information, etc for peoples as well as authorities.   We need donations desperately, we need help to sale our support cards and to help us on all numerous tasks attached to it.  Our intention at start was, as always to help, but we did not estimate at its real dimension a task which shall normally taking care of by governments. Nevertheless as much we will be able to save, as much we will do as always. We have here to thanks all PLANETFUTURE volunteers whose on fields are giving as much as they can to help.

JOIN US! it is very simple and free, send a mail to planetfutureworld@gmail.com and tell us what are your field, possibilities, time, qualification's, etc. Tell us what you are willing to do helping us, everybody with or without qualification is welcome...

CONTACT US email us at planetfuture@live.fr 

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